Thursday, November 26, 2009
"'I want a boy who will tell me when I’m being stupid. Who won’t baby me with his words. A boy who will still give time to his friends. A boy who will tell me ‘No’. He will watch stupid movies with me, but makes me watch his favorites also. A boy who’s willing to drop everything to be with me, but knows when to let it be. A boy who will know he’s important to me, but won’t mind when I change my plans to help someone out. I want a boy who’s enjoyable to look at, he doesn’t have to be gorgeous. I just want someone who I can pay attention to. A boy who will randomly bring me food, cause he knows I love to eat. A boy who can make jokes about me, a boy that I can laugh with. Someone who wont mind when I even embarrass myself. A boy who will buy me something, something I would actually want, none of that jewelry crap. Someone who doesn’t do everything I ask but when it comes to something important I can count on him to be there. Someone who I don’t feel threatened by. A boy who has other friends that are girls, but I can trust him with them. A boy who will know when to leave me alone when I have my stupid fits. A boy who I can just sit with. I don’t need the whole fairytale deal; I just want to feel comfortable.'"
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
yada yada yada.
I've soooooooooooooo much to update on. will do so sooon! PROMISE.
I havent been getting up till lunch lately. Have to start re-cycling my sleeping times and start doing more productive things. Going to the batting cage tomorrow, for the first time ever. I finally know where it is now. Hopefully, it'll work out. I just wanna hit something very badly.
Had churros, banana peach crumble and one whole packet of roller coaster to myself today! Boy, that ain't good.
I need a BIG and LOUD alarm clock, that I'll get up to and not switch it off and go back to sleep!
I havent been getting up till lunch lately. Have to start re-cycling my sleeping times and start doing more productive things. Going to the batting cage tomorrow, for the first time ever. I finally know where it is now. Hopefully, it'll work out. I just wanna hit something very badly.
Had churros, banana peach crumble and one whole packet of roller coaster to myself today! Boy, that ain't good.
I need a BIG and LOUD alarm clock, that I'll get up to and not switch it off and go back to sleep!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
paint the town ;
Hello Sunshine! :)
Lately I've been feeling incredibly lazy to blog. I've been procrastinating for quite some time already. But now I've to, before i forget!
Belated Birthday wishes.
3rd Nov ;
Cousin turns 18. same age bebeh ;)

Happy Birthday Ozair! :)
4th Nov ;
Baby brother turns 3! woot woot!
As many of you know, I started going to school in Alor Star since form 3. Ever since then, I've had friends from KL and Alor Star. After high school ended last year, some friends from Alor Star are continuingtheir studies in KL, which are superbly awesome, as I get to see them when I'm in KL. But the world gets incredibly small, as my KL friends and Alor Star friends know each other. They go to the same college and I'll be like 'omg, they know each other!' but don't get me wrong, it is awesome. And when I'm on facebook, I see that most of my friends and I have plenty of mutual friends. That shows how small the world is.
The conclusion is, the world is getting smaller and smaller and everyone basically knows everyone, somehow, whether they know them personally, seen them around before or have heard of their names.
Starting last night, I've to fetch Abang after work around 1am ish. Abang's working at twenty-one, BSC now, while he's on holiday. Unless I decide to stay home for the rest of the day, I've to send abang before 4pm and fetch later. That means, more late nights. And its very exhausting to stay up just to go and fetch abang. Thank god its near. I admire Abang for working, even though he has only one month of holiday, and I didn't even work anywhere when I'm currently, taking the year off. Abang has been working at a few places, like Delifrance, Starbucks and a few more. Mainly F&B. I'm so the opposite, don't you think so?
I bet your thinking so what have I been doing if I'm not studying or working. Well, on weekdays, I'm basically a driver to my mum and now abang too. I drive mum where she needs to go. She'll get down and I'll just wait in the car. Before I could drive, mum will be the one driving and waiting in the car, and I'll go down and run errands. And I just wait for friends to be free to go out :) And I meet Amirah every weekend :)
Hanis and Kak Farhanah are in town for 2 weeks or so! WOOT WOOT! :D I've missed them.
TV Show Updates ;
I've finished watching The Hills season one, credits to Mia :)
Watching The Hills season 2 now. Credits to Sya, for teaching me where is the easiest and fastest way to watch MTV shows.
factss part 2
"Girls are like apples… the best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree…"
Saturday, November 7, 2009
a long time coming ;
Hello Sunshine! :)
First of, I would like to apologise for the incredibly slow updates.
Hence, I think this is gonna be a looong post.
On Sunday, Nov 1st.
My mum, brother and I participated this charity run called 'terry fox run'. ( It's a run for terry who passed away due to cancer) Its a yearly event.
It was at Lake Garden.
The whole reason I joined was cause of dearest mummy. Mum has been participating a few years in a row now. For abang and I, it was our first time.
About 2-3 thousand people showed up, I was impressed!
Unfortunately, it was more like a parade than a run. 98% of the people there, were just walking.
It was divided into 2 categories, 3.5km and 5km. Mum, Abang and I did the 5 km! WOOHOO! yes, i survived :)
And after we got free Milo :) Bliss. You know the Milo truck that you have at your school's sports day, the enormous Milo truck which is like THE BEST Milo ever, yup, that's correct, THAT one.
Sadly, there's no photos for me to show you.
The same night, I helped Iman organized another suprise for Aunt Liza, as she and Nanal wasn't able to make it last Sunday.
This time it was a suprise dinner, at Chilis BSC.
And AGAIN Aunt Liza was suprise :)

When Abang came back a day before Terry Fox run, he texted me and said 'what if I came back sehelai sepinggang?' I just said up to youuu abang :) Cause the only thing I want is for him to be back in time for the run.
So the other day, Abang and I had our first road trip! (to get his stuff at campus, he has 4 weeks break) We asked daddy permission to use the car, and daddy generously, said YES! :) One of the reasons, why daddy is my hero :)
I knew we weren't gonna take the Karak highway. We were gonna through Kuala Pilah. So I knew I could stop at Nilai, to visit Amirah, since she's not coming back this weekend. I wanted to suprise her but figured it was best not to, as she has been quite busy with college nowadays. And I can visit my friends which are in UNITEN (thats where abang studies btw)
Off we went, said goodbye to mummy and drove off to our first stop, Nilai Univerity College. I had to lie to the guard and said I was there for registration. hehe. If not, I've to park outside, and walk in. Hell no, I'm not going to do that! It's quite a walk, okay. As Abang predicted, we were there for 2 hours. I got to meet Amirah's friends, Naja, Syaley and Junior :)
Off we went, said goodbye to mummy and drove off to our first stop, Nilai Univerity College. I had to lie to the guard and said I was there for registration. hehe. If not, I've to park outside, and walk in. Hell no, I'm not going to do that! It's quite a walk, okay. As Abang predicted, we were there for 2 hours. I got to meet Amirah's friends, Naja, Syaley and Junior :)
After saying our goodbyes, we were back on the road, heading to our main destination, Muadzam Shah, Pahang.
After 3 hours, we were there. Went straight to the girl's apartment, called Athirah to get her butt down so we could go eat. Later on, Abang dropped us at Athirah's apartment while he went to pack up his stuff at the boys apartment. I asked Ang to meet me at Athirah's apartment.
It was good catching up with them again, we laughed so much that I almost had sore throat.
Then, when Abang came to fetch me, Hafizan was in the car too. We dragged Athirah to go have a drink with us. Hafizan is Abang's friend, but he's my age, but because he is Abang's friend, I keep on forgetting that he is my age, hence, I tend to think he is older.
It was raining quite heavily, so we waited for the rain to stop before starting our journey again. I drove from home to Muadzam, which I didn't think I could do it cause there's this 'pusing-pusing' part which is super narrow. Abang was driving back.
We stopped at McD Senawang for dinner and to meet Abang's friend, Izzra.
Then went to fetch Mia at her college. She wasn't suppose to come back this week cause she has leadership camp today, but because she has nothing to wear for the camp she had to come back. I perfectly understand her. It's fashion crisis for goodness sakes. I offered to fetch her as I was passing Nilai on my way back to KL anyway. And yes, we had fun in the car :) Mia wanted to suprise her boyfriend, Amirul at Rasta, so that was the second place we went, when we reached KL. After a while, Mia had to go home, I sent her back and went back to Rasta cause Abang was still there. It was the first time I was at Rasta till it was closing. Abang was about to knockout anytime soon, so I had to drive home.
All in all, I can assure you it was a trip I'll never forget.
All in all, I can assure you it was a trip I'll never forget.

me driving :)

Abang bored in the car :)
camwhoring with Ang and Athirah.
Athira and Athirah ;)
meet the bestfriend, Amirah :)
So last night was spent having dinner with Aween and Suphannsa. Actually, it was them accompanying me having dinner since I was late.
Then, we went to Ikea. It's been a long time since I just walk around Ikea and look at their things. Gosh, there were so many things that I love. The beds are so comfy, the lights are pretty, and the mirrors are creative. I just got so excited looking at everything, especially the kiddies stuff. We were like, when we have 5 children, this is what the room will look like, and there were plenty of 'OMG, I'm so getting that for my child' moments :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
we were alone:
Don’t waste your time worrying about boys. Boys will come and go. Don’t waste your time caring about the people who don’t like you. Chances are you don’t like them either. Don’t waste your time worrying if people are talking about you. You affected their lives, they didn’t affect yours. Waste your time with friends. Live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it’s something you’ll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends, cause your friends are what matter most. When you have your friends, you have everything."
Don’t waste your time worrying about boys. Boys will come and go. Don’t waste your time caring about the people who don’t like you. Chances are you don’t like them either. Don’t waste your time worrying if people are talking about you. You affected their lives, they didn’t affect yours. Waste your time with friends. Live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it’s something you’ll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends, cause your friends are what matter most. When you have your friends, you have everything."
re : jantan
we were alone: "jantan
we always make the mistake of thinking of them as complicated beings.
we forever try to analyse their behaviour, look for signs blah blah blah…
the BEST is when we try to figure out why they’re being such assholes,
ego issues la, emotionally wounded lah…(bullshit)
but i think, really, that they really are just bloody simple beings,
and if they want you, they’ll come and get you.
if he isn’t at your doorstep already, stop waiting,
he’s not about to ‘come to his senses’.
thira, lets go kidnap cupid when i get back!
if he wont shoot at the right people, we’ll have to shoot him instead!"
Credits to Zehan.
Athira double like this!
we always make the mistake of thinking of them as complicated beings.
we forever try to analyse their behaviour, look for signs blah blah blah…
the BEST is when we try to figure out why they’re being such assholes,
ego issues la, emotionally wounded lah…(bullshit)
but i think, really, that they really are just bloody simple beings,
and if they want you, they’ll come and get you.
if he isn’t at your doorstep already, stop waiting,
he’s not about to ‘come to his senses’.
thira, lets go kidnap cupid when i get back!
if he wont shoot at the right people, we’ll have to shoot him instead!"
Credits to Zehan.
Athira double like this!
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