Hello Sunshine! :)
Lately I've been feeling incredibly lazy to blog. I've been procrastinating for quite some time already. But now I've to, before i forget!
Belated Birthday wishes.
3rd Nov ;
Cousin turns 18. same age bebeh ;)

Happy Birthday Ozair! :)
4th Nov ;
Baby brother turns 3! woot woot!
As many of you know, I started going to school in Alor Star since form 3. Ever since then, I've had friends from KL and Alor Star. After high school ended last year, some friends from Alor Star are continuingtheir studies in KL, which are superbly awesome, as I get to see them when I'm in KL. But the world gets incredibly small, as my KL friends and Alor Star friends know each other. They go to the same college and I'll be like 'omg, they know each other!' but don't get me wrong, it is awesome. And when I'm on facebook, I see that most of my friends and I have plenty of mutual friends. That shows how small the world is.
The conclusion is, the world is getting smaller and smaller and everyone basically knows everyone, somehow, whether they know them personally, seen them around before or have heard of their names.
Starting last night, I've to fetch Abang after work around 1am ish. Abang's working at twenty-one, BSC now, while he's on holiday. Unless I decide to stay home for the rest of the day, I've to send abang before 4pm and fetch later. That means, more late nights. And its very exhausting to stay up just to go and fetch abang. Thank god its near. I admire Abang for working, even though he has only one month of holiday, and I didn't even work anywhere when I'm currently, taking the year off. Abang has been working at a few places, like Delifrance, Starbucks and a few more. Mainly F&B. I'm so the opposite, don't you think so?
I bet your thinking so what have I been doing if I'm not studying or working. Well, on weekdays, I'm basically a driver to my mum and now abang too. I drive mum where she needs to go. She'll get down and I'll just wait in the car. Before I could drive, mum will be the one driving and waiting in the car, and I'll go down and run errands. And I just wait for friends to be free to go out :) And I meet Amirah every weekend :)
Hanis and Kak Farhanah are in town for 2 weeks or so! WOOT WOOT! :D I've missed them.
TV Show Updates ;
I've finished watching The Hills season one, credits to Mia :)
Watching The Hills season 2 now. Credits to Sya, for teaching me where is the easiest and fastest way to watch MTV shows.
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