Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
yada yada yada.
I havent been getting up till lunch lately. Have to start re-cycling my sleeping times and start doing more productive things. Going to the batting cage tomorrow, for the first time ever. I finally know where it is now. Hopefully, it'll work out. I just wanna hit something very badly.
Had churros, banana peach crumble and one whole packet of roller coaster to myself today! Boy, that ain't good.
I need a BIG and LOUD alarm clock, that I'll get up to and not switch it off and go back to sleep!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
paint the town ;
3rd Nov ;
Cousin turns 18. same age bebeh ;)

4th Nov ;
Baby brother turns 3! woot woot!
factss part 2
Saturday, November 7, 2009
a long time coming ;
On Sunday, Nov 1st.
My mum, brother and I participated this charity run called 'terry fox run'. ( It's a run for terry who passed away due to cancer) Its a yearly event.
It was at Lake Garden.
The whole reason I joined was cause of dearest mummy. Mum has been participating a few years in a row now. For abang and I, it was our first time.
About 2-3 thousand people showed up, I was impressed!
Unfortunately, it was more like a parade than a run. 98% of the people there, were just walking.
It was divided into 2 categories, 3.5km and 5km. Mum, Abang and I did the 5 km! WOOHOO! yes, i survived :)
And after we got free Milo :) Bliss. You know the Milo truck that you have at your school's sports day, the enormous Milo truck which is like THE BEST Milo ever, yup, that's correct, THAT one.
Sadly, there's no photos for me to show you.
The same night, I helped Iman organized another suprise for Aunt Liza, as she and Nanal wasn't able to make it last Sunday.
This time it was a suprise dinner, at Chilis BSC.
And AGAIN Aunt Liza was suprise :)

When Abang came back a day before Terry Fox run, he texted me and said 'what if I came back sehelai sepinggang?' I just said up to youuu abang :) Cause the only thing I want is for him to be back in time for the run.
Off we went, said goodbye to mummy and drove off to our first stop, Nilai Univerity College. I had to lie to the guard and said I was there for registration. hehe. If not, I've to park outside, and walk in. Hell no, I'm not going to do that! It's quite a walk, okay. As Abang predicted, we were there for 2 hours. I got to meet Amirah's friends, Naja, Syaley and Junior :)
All in all, I can assure you it was a trip I'll never forget.

me driving :)

Abang bored in the car :)
Athira and Athirah ;)
meet the bestfriend, Amirah :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Don’t waste your time worrying about boys. Boys will come and go. Don’t waste your time caring about the people who don’t like you. Chances are you don’t like them either. Don’t waste your time worrying if people are talking about you. You affected their lives, they didn’t affect yours. Waste your time with friends. Live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it’s something you’ll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends, cause your friends are what matter most. When you have your friends, you have everything."
re : jantan
we always make the mistake of thinking of them as complicated beings.
we forever try to analyse their behaviour, look for signs blah blah blah…
the BEST is when we try to figure out why they’re being such assholes,
ego issues la, emotionally wounded lah…(bullshit)
but i think, really, that they really are just bloody simple beings,
and if they want you, they’ll come and get you.
if he isn’t at your doorstep already, stop waiting,
he’s not about to ‘come to his senses’.
thira, lets go kidnap cupid when i get back!
if he wont shoot at the right people, we’ll have to shoot him instead!"
Credits to Zehan.
Athira double like this!
Monday, October 26, 2009
come rain, come shine, come wind, come hail
you never change and i don't know if you will.
Currently, I'm reading a book that my aunt gave me for my birthday last month.

It's my favourite time of the month again!
I literally went crazy looking at Topshop, Dorothy perkins and Cats Whiskers.
22Nd October

@ Schokolart


Wednesday, October 21, 2009
hand in hand

my shirt :)

my badge

finally, a photo, after soo many years!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
a happy child :)
Today was the last time Hanis and I saw each other in Alor Star before she starts Uni.
We did our usual routine - gym and favourite mamak.
I talked so much today for some reason. I guess I'm just scared that when when one of us stop talking, it'll all sink in that we wont be able to see each other that often anymore.
My uncle bought for me, my very own
the black purse ;)

the black watch that comes in white too ;)
I havent got the chance to thank him yet.
Will do so later, when he gets home.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
laughing in the rain
On Wednesday when I was talking to Hanis, she said that she was leaving for UNITEN already.

& Naufal, Hanis and Mira after bowling
TV Shows Updates
- finally finished watching season 4 of Prison Break. micheal died :(
- Gossip Girl season 3 episode 1 till 4, done! credits to Naufal :)
- starting to watch a new show, Glee. season 1. episode 1 till 4, done! again credits to Naufal :)
- The Hills weekend marathon tomorrow! season 5. episode 7 till 12
Happy Deepavali my dearest Indian friends! :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
and the freak goes on and on ;
This post is specially dedicated to Ummal Shahirah.
A happy go lucky and bubbly and this girl is loved by me! :)
Even though we've only known each other for 3 years, we've become close and I hope this bond we have will always remain as close as we are now.
And remember, when times get tough, you'll always have ME! :)
I'll always be there for you, like you've been there for me.

Drama '08

BBQ '08

Raya '08
At my place '08

Raya '09

- hair trim
- hair treatment
- new sneakers
- polaroid camera
- new boooks
- more cash!
Monday, October 12, 2009
it gets better.
So, yesterday I went for aerobics, my fourth time already. Its exhausting, I tell you. My back will surely ache the next day, like it did today. Its kinda embarrassing considering that I'm the youngest in the class. The rest are like working people. And I'm not the the most flexible girl on the planet. Thank god one of the mothers brought her daughter yesterday. She looks younger than me. But a whole lot more flexible than I am! pfft. Its kinda tough for me and I sorta take it as a challenge. Its amazing that I'm the only Malay in the class. The rest are all Chinese! That sounds a tad racist. Sorreh!
I went shampoo shopping! I finally decided the shampoo I'm using is not suitable for my hair. There's sooo many shampoos to choose from but I finally could narrow it down to two. I had fun smelling the shampoos :) They've such nice smells. Yes yes, you've probably concluded that I'm a weird girl. But the sad part was I did it alone. So i had to control my eagerness.
I managed to catch The Hills Season 5 Episode one till six on MTV too. Boy, there's a whole lot of drama going on there. But its fun and exciting to watch when its not your drama. It sucks a billion times when its your own life drama going on.
Today lepak at Naufal and Mira's house :)
Haven't seen them since third raya at Hanis's. Watched TV, catch up, took around 30+ photos ( in less than 15 minutes) and etc.